with letter-forms, typefaces, lettering... well the entire universe of typography, my work is very type focused. The majority of my drawings take place during moments of conceptual thinking or brainstorming for clients projects. This tends to leave my personal work in a state of static, never evolving and always pushed off to the side. As of recent I've been re-inspired and feeling the creative juices flowing through my insides. With this change in my body and mind, I have several projects lined up and am very excited to progress and share. Here we have a doodle that developed from the humanistic attributes of the letter "V". The lettering for the V is a unique typeface I recently developed and will be using more frequently. The Heavy-Script paired with the letter is based off 1930s Showcards.
nice, theres a bound feeling or lace lingerie feeling to the whole thing...keep it going!
Nice. I totally sense the love of type in your stuff. When I first started getting into graff for years all I drew was letters, still love it, just don't draw them as much. Have you seen Alex Trochut's stuff? My favorite was to work on illustration or bristol borad with india ink, beautiful combo to work with for lettering.
alex tochut stuff is really fun, speaks to the type nerd in me....
Weird you can't edit comments here? I meant "board" above, illustration or bristol board.
I don't know if I told you this, but I love vagina. It's quite possibly my favorite thing ever.
P.S. Great lettering**
This is great. It looks like the whole thing is vibrating. I like how the upper parts of the "V" look like roses.
Thanks for the comments and encouragement.
Alex Trochut's work is pretty spectacular, I'm curious to weather he makes any hand-rendered work.
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